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The Kutztown Area School Board operates under a committee structure. These committees provide an opportunity for the members to study and review issues within the committee’s area of responsibility. The committees make recommendations to the entire board for action.

Committee members and Board liaisons:

Budget/Finance Committee

Members: (Committee of the whole) 

 Facilities/Extra-Curricular Committee

Members: Jeremiah Light, Dennis Udicious, Laurel Ziegler, Jason Koch, Michael Hess

Negotiations Team

Members: Jason Koch, Jeremiah Light, Daniel Wismer, Caecilia Holt

Personnel Committee

Members: (Committee of the whole) 

Policy/Curriculum Committee

Members: Caecilia Holt, Erin Engel, Jason Koch, Daniel Wismer, Reba Hoffman

 Student Achievement Committee

Members: (Committee of the whole)

Berks Tax Collection Committee (TCC)

Representative: Beth Ann Siteman
Alternate: Michael Hess

Berks County Intermediate Unit (BCIU) (3-year term)

Representative: Daniel Wismer

Berks County Career and Technology Center (BCTC) (3-year term)

Representative: Reba Hoffman
Alternate: Michael Hess 


Representative: Caecilia Holt
Alternate: Laurel Ziegler