Categories and Schedule of Fees
Category I - School Sponsored (supported with general fund dollars) and School-sanctioned (sponsored, but not supported with general fund dollars):
Actual school related activities that are arranged by school sponsorship and whose activities are approved through the building administration.
(Examples: Athletic Teams, KASD Activities/Clubs, Kutztown Strong Student Group, and so forth.)
Category II - School-Related but non-sponsored:
Activities that are arranged and provided exclusively for KASD students either in body or in a support type function but are not actually sponsored by the school. These groups will not be charged for casual/routine use of a building, grounds, or equipment that do not require district labor costs in any way. These groups will be charged only for the use of special rooms and/or facilities that require special preparation or follow up maintenance and for functions requiring special district personnel labor costs.
Activities planned for the above-defined facilities for use where admission fees or donations are required will be charged the rates as stated.
(Examples: PTO, PTA, MS/HS Athletic Booster clubs, activities sponsored by booster clubs, Educational Foundation, Kutztown Hall of Fame, Kutztown Cougar Tale, and so forth)
Category III – Civic, Recreational, and Community Organizations within the bounds of Kutztown Area School District:
Not for profit, local (within KASD boundaries) organizations that operate for community benefit or for the non-profit benefit. Supports our students.
Activities planned for the above-defined facilities for use where admission fees or donations are required will be charged the rates as stated.
(Examples: Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts, Kutztown Lions Club, Kutztown Optimist Club, Kutztown Strong, Kutztown Branch Relay for Life, Kutztown University events, all KASD Youth and Athletic Organizations, and so forth)
Category IV - Civic, Recreational, and Community Organizations NOT within the bounds of Kutztown Area School District and Non-School Related Groups from within the bounds of KASD where admission is charged or fund-raising activities are conducted:
Not for profit, non-school related organizations that operate outside of our community or for the non-profit benefit outside of our district.
Activities planned for the above-defined facilities for use where admission fees or donations are required will be charged the rates as stated.
(Examples: YMCA, Outside Churches, Outside Theater Groups, Outside Music Groups, Relay for Life, and so forth)
Category V - Commercial establishments within the Kutztown Area School District and any other group outside of KASD.
Individuals, Groups, Businesses, and Organizations from either inside or outside the KASD area who are operating to make a profit for non-public use.
Examples: Any Commercial Businesses and any group outside KASD.
Facility Rental Fees
- All fees outlined below are for facility rental only. Hourly labor charges for custodial, cafeteria kitchen support, maintenance, and other support personnel will be assessed at the current rate or overtime rate as applicable. Time will be calculated from the time the facility is prepared for the event until the clean-up has been completed and doors are locked.
- A normal rental session is assumed to be a time period of up to eight (8) hours per day. Additional fees may be charged for exceeding this limit.
- Additional costs may be incurred for excessive wear and tear or damage to athletic fields, building facilities, wrestling mats, soccer or basketball nets, lights/sound equipment, or other equipment as determined by school district administration.
- Groups approved to rent a kitchen or concession stand will also be responsible for payment of a District Food Services Employee or designee at a rate of pay for a minimum of two (2) hours at the average rate for Food Service employees plus fringe benefits. The rate will be established on an annual basis.
- Groups approved to rent the High School Auditorium or Middle School Commons Lights and Sound will also be responsible for payment of a School District Employee at a rate of pay for a minimum of two (2) hours at the average rate for a School District Employee plus fringe benefits. The rate will be established on an annual basis.
- Groups approved to rent the Stadium Press Box, Scoreboard, and Public Address System will also be responsible for payment of a School District Employee at a rate of pay for a minimum of two (2) hours at the average rate for a School District Employee plus fringe benefits. The rate will be established on an annual basis.
- In addition to paying the above rates, Categories II and III may be charged for the wages, fixed charges, and fringe benefits of custodians, kitchen employees, police, stage crew, and so forth that may be required (over time rates due apply for Saturdays and Sundays). Time will be calculated from the time the facility is opened until the clean-up has been completed and doors locked.
- Alterations to existing facilities or equipment by the applicant are prohibited without prior approval from school district administration.
- The Business Office Director will determine rates for special events or activities not covered by the above categories.
- Tobacco and/or alcohol is prohibited on ALL school property!
- Weekend and non-school session events scheduling is contingent upon securing custodial staff. In the event that we are unable to secure custodial staff, you will be notified in advance and the event will be cancelled.
- All bills will be sent from the KASD Business Office and are DUE and payable within thirty (30) days. All checks shall be payable to “Kutztown Area School District,” and under no circumstances should monies be paid directly or indirectly to any individual. Organizations with unpaid invoices greater than thirty (30) days past due, will forfeit their ability to use KASD facilities in the future. After ninety (90) days, the bill will go to the collection agency.
Facility |
Category I |
Category II |
Category III |
Category IV |
Category V |
HS Auditorium |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$250 per day |
$600 per day |
HS Auditorium with Lights/Sound |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$350 per day |
$700 per day |
MS Commons |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$250 per day |
$550 per day |
MS Commons with Lights/Sound |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$350 per day |
$650 per day |
High School John Silan Gymnasium |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$125 per hour $600 per day |
$150 per hour $800 per day |
High School John Silan Gymnasium Concession Stand |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$25 per hour |
$75 per hour |
MS Gymnasium |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$75 per hour $250 per day |
$125 per hour $550 per day |
MS/HS Auxiliary Gym |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$250 per day |
$550 per day |
KES/GES Gymnasium |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$250 per day |
$550 per day |
Cafeteria |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$150 per day |
$250 per day |
Cafeteria with Kitchen |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$200 per day |
$300 per day |
Classrooms |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$100 per day |
$150 per day |
Athletic Fields (GES/KES/MS/HS) |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$60 per hour |
$75 per hour |
Tennis Courts |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$60 per hour |
$75 per hour |
Parking Lot |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$60 per hour |
$75 per hour |
HS Stadium (Field, track, bleachers) |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$150 per hour w/o lights, $200 per hour with lights |
$200 per hour w/o lights, $350 per hour with lights |
High School Stadium Press Box, Scoreboard, Public Address System |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$25 per hour |
$75 per hour |
High School Stadium Concession Stand (KASD has the right of first refusal to operate the concession stand for outside events) |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
$25 per hour |
$75 per hour |