Title I Program
2022-2023 Parent & Family Engagement Program
In the 2022-2023 school year, both Kutztown Elementary and Greenwich-Lenhartsvill Elementary schools shifted from being designated as a Targeted Title I school to a Schoolwide Title I school The most important distinction is that federal funding is now able to support all students and the expertise of our specialists, partly funded though Federal Programs, is disseminated across the entire building. What this doesn't mean is that your child, if they need reading or math support, won't be able to get it because there are more students identified for Title I support. If your child is struggling with reading or math, our staff strives to support their needs. What it does mean is that all teachers and classrooms have access to high quality programming, as well as intervention support through the multi-tiered system of support, with Federal funding to supplement what we already do each and every day to help students achieve academic success and growth.
The Kutztown Area School District strives to maintain ongoing and open communication with families regarding the needs and programming of children in the District. We look forward to seeing you at our Title I family events throughout the year.
If you are interested in reviewing our Parent Engagement policy, please find it listed with the documents below. At our events, we are always seeking to connect with families to discuss the policy and incorporate any additions or suggested changes. If you have seen the policy and have any suggestions, here is a quick and easy feedback form you can fill out!
The Kutztown Area School District receives federal funds through Title I to provide for supplemental reading services in elementary schools. This page provides district information relative to the Title I program.
Our Title I staff includes the following:
- Mrs. Angela Bucci-Herb, Reading Specialist, Kutztown Elementary School
- Mrs. Jodi Keirstein, Intervention Specialist, Kutztown Elementary School
- Mrs. Kerri Schegan, Reading Specialist, Greenwich-Lenhartsville Elementary School
- Mrs. Karen Austin, Intervention Specialist, Greenwich-Lenhartsville Elementary School
- Mrs. Melissa Devlin, Director of Curriculum and Federal Programs Coordinator
For school-specific information, please click on the links, below:
Please click, below, for additional information regarding the district Title I program.