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Inclement Weather Information

School Closing Information

In preparation for the upcoming winter months, please take note of the Kutztown Area School District Emergency Closing and Delay Information. For the 2024-25 school year, we may need to utilize several types of days:

  • Inclement Weather: Delay or Early Dismissal School start will be delayed by 2 or 3 hours, or students are dismissed early to return home.
  • Inclement Weather: School Closed School Closed days may be made up beginning with June 4th as indicated on the 24-25 KASD calendar. A change to the PA Code now permits the District to have less than 180 student days, provided the calendar has sufficient hours. A recommendation will be made to the Board on how to make up School Closed days in March. 
  • Inclement Weather: Flexible Instructional Days (FID) FID will include a blend of online, at home learning with synchronous and asynchronous schedules that are developmentally appropriate for each grade, and communicated by each principal in advance. Flexible Instructional Days are counted as regular days in the calendar. A FID may be used during wet, icy conditions; when multiple weather days occur in a short period of time; or, another scenario where face-to-face learning is not safe or possible.


Notification Systems

If it becomes necessary to close or delay school or enact a FID because of inclement weather, the announcement will be communicated via the Parent Link Phone/Email/Text System, as well as the District website and the following radio and TV stations:

District Website:

FM Stations: 

WZZO-FM (95.1), WAEB-FM (104.1), WRFY-FM (102.5), WFMZ-FM (100.7), WCTO-FM (96.1), WIOV-FM (105.1), WLEV-FM (86.1), WBYN-FM (107.5) 

AM Stations: 

WKAP-AM (1320), WAEB-AM (790), WRAW-AM (1340), WEST-AM (1400), WEEU-AM (850)

TV Stations: 

(69) WFMZ-TV, (3) CBS, (6) ABC, (10) NBC, (2) Kutztown Borough Cable, (8) WGAL-TV 

Please refer to any of the above sources for weather related information. Please do not call the schools. Announcements will be made as early as possible, preferably by 6:00-6:15 a.m.

This year we will once again use both the 2-hour and 3-hour delay when appropriate to ensure the best educational experience based upon conditions and their impact on the safety of students and staff. Alternatively, if inclement weather would impact afternoon transportation, an early dismissal may be enacted.

Decision-Making Process

Many factors impact the decision whether to delay, close school, or enact a virtual learning day (FID) when inclement weather arises. The KASD attendance area is 99-square miles, geographically the largest district in Berks County. The weather conditions can vary across the District, where temperatures and precipitation can fluctuate greatly. Daily, our school buses and vans conduct nearly 1,300 bus stops, travel over 3,200 miles, and transport more than 1,400 students (KASD students, charter school students, and non-public school students). In addition, our grounds crew must have all properties prepared for the safe arrival of students and staff. All of these combined factors inform our decision regarding school closure, delay, or on-time opening.

The full transportation timeline for students throughout the District occurs over a nearly 3-hour time period; therefore, we are often making decisions at 5:30 am for road conditions at 9:00 am. 

The Kutztown Area School District has a comprehensive and time-efficient notification plan in place for updating our staff, parents, and students. As snow, ice, or other inclement weather situations arise that may affect the school day, the administration will contact our Transportation Coordinator, Eshelman Transportation Company, and Township/Borough road departments to determine the road conditions. The administration will then make a decision based on the information presented at the time whether to delay, close, or open school on time with the main purpose of maintaining student and employee safety.

Evening School Events – Snow Provision

In the event that schools are closed during regular daytime hours due to inclement weather, evening events may also be canceled. The Director of Athletics, Student Activities, and Community Relations will contact coaches/advisors as well as any outside organizations regarding the status of evening school events, who in turn will be in contact with families. There are situations where it is necessary to close/delay school, but conditions improve significantly throughout the day. If conditions improve, evening events may proceed as scheduled. Families will be notified of any changes.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we navigate the winter season together. Please know that every decision we make is with the safety of our students, staff, and community in mind. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Superintendent, Christian Temchatin, at