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Food Service

The Kutztown Area School District is committed to providing our students with the best possible learning environment. The KASD Food Service Team supports students and their academic achievements through nutritious meals that are appealing, affordable, and student accepted.

Our Menus

All menus are designed to meet or exceed USDA nutritional compliance while working to meet the needs of our students.

Breakfast is FREE to all KASD students and students across the state. If a student would like an additional breakfast, the cost is $1.75.  Students may choose the following for breakfast:

  • Any one breakfast entrée
  • Any fruit and/or juice
  • One milk of their choice

Students may choose lunch at $3.00 for Elementary or $3.25 for Secondary.  Students must choose 3-5 components including:

  • Any one entrée including meat & grain
  • Up to 2 vegetables offered daily
  • Up to 2 fruits offered daily
  • One milk of their choice

Point of Sale (POS) Payment System

The KASD Food Service Team uses a point of sale (POS) system to accurately account for all meals. The system also ensures confidentiality in regard to economic status. Students enter their unique PIN# each time a breakfast and/or lunch is chosen. The PIN# is also used for a la carte sales. Students/parents/guardians may deposit money into a School Cafe' account at any time. Checks may be sent directly to the food service office at 50 Trexler Avenue, Kutztown PA, 19530. Please write the student I.D. number in the memo area of the check to ensure proper accounting. Please contact the Food Service office if in need of your student’s account number.

Free and Reduced Price Meals

KASD participates in the School Breakfast Program and the National School Lunch Program. As a result, all families in the district are afforded the opportunity to apply for free or reduced priced lunches. If you believe that you may benefit from this program, submit an application, found on your SchoolCafe account. Applications are processed upon receipt and households are informed of the results via a letter from the Food Service Department.  Students receiving free or reduced price meals are not identified in any way as the confidentiality is ensured through our point of sale system (POS). Applications for this program are required to be updated each school year on or before September 30th.  

The Food Service Department sincerely appreciates the support of our community. We continually strive to improve our program and would like your comments, suggestions, and concerns.  The Food Service Coordinator may be reached at 484-641-5543 or foodservicedept@kasd,org.


Food Services Notice of Non-Discrimination