Senior Volunteer Tax Rebate Program
The Kutztown Area School District, Board Policy 916, offers a Senior Volunteer Tax Rebate Program which allows individuals who are at least sixty (60) years of age, who own real property in the district and have resided within the district for at least ninety (90) days, to receive a real property tax credit in exchange for volunteer service in the district, as permitted by state law. Participants have the opportunity to volunteer at the current PA minimum wage rate, in exchange for up to a $1,200 rebate for current year’s property taxes paid.
PSERS retirees would be subject to Return to Service provisions of the Retirement Code, including the stoppage of their monthly annuity, because the retiree is receiving retirement-covered compensation click here for PSERS information.
To apply, complete the attached application, or contact the HR office at 610-683-7361, ext. 5519.